Hallo jumpa lagi. Semalam aku lik keje awal sikit (alhamdulillah) pasal bos aku ada hal. Katanya, nak pergi hospital. Entah betul atau tidak aku pun kurang pasti la. Apapun aku bersyukur la sesangat sekurang2nya, aku dapat balik berehat.Mula la pala otak aku ni pikir nak masak tok budak2 umah. Hm lama gak aku tak memasak. Selalunyer yang rajin masak EJ. Peh kalau dia
masak, bertambah2 korang makan tau. Ada yang datang siap nak bertapau2 lagi. Punya la sedap giler dia masak. Tak caya, meh la datang ke pondok buruk kami tu. Aku gerenti korang mesti
rindu masakan EJ. Wahahaha...Ha pikir2 aku da dapat menu tok aku masak malam tadi. Bila aku
masuk je keta (da settle tutup klinik suma ek) aku masuk kereta dengan penuh semangat aku
nak la bagitau EJ menu yang aku berhajat nak masak. Sudahnya,
EJ: Wak, KROL ngan JESZ tengah boring2 tu kat PYRAMID..
AKU : Kenapa pun?KROL tak keje ker?
EJ : La dia kan ada badminton pagi tadi kat KEPONG..
AKU : Owh ye, lupa lak...
EJ: Diorang ajak tengok wayang. Nak pergi tak..
AKU : Erm cerita apa? Jadinya tak masak la ye..(sambil tu aku tadah tangan tanda syukur..)
EJ : Eh nak masak tapi tak ikhlas ke siap amin2
AKU : Hehehe takde la. Erm nak tengok citer apa
EJ : Cerita apa lagi...
Aku : Ikut je la..
Jeng2, korang nak tau cerita apa yang aku tengok...

Heheheheee...Wat suspend korang je kan.
Ni tiket aku ngan EJ..

No 7 EJ, No 8 da tentu aku...
Hm jalan cerita dia macam ni...
The film is about the life of two Bohsia girls (Bohsia is a Malaysian term for young girls who lead a sexually active lifestyle as a result of bad influence or upbringing) named Amy and Tasya. Their past bad experiences made them spoilt and wild.
Tasya was jealous of Amy as Amy was the attraction of all the “Mat Rempits (a term used for young motorcyclists who like to get involved
in illegal racings in Malaysia). Amy boyfriend’s Acai was also the enemy of Muz (Tasya’s boyfriend).Both of them liked to pick up a fight with other when they lose in illegal races that they took part in.
In the meantime, Salleh (Amy’s father) was always begging for money from his daughter. This has caused a scene at a restaurant that caused Acai and other Mat Rempit to get involved too. Azam who was responsible for spoiling Amy was always trying to get Amy’s attention and his attempt to get her come back to him was unsuccessful as he was now a pimp.

While all these were brewing up, conflicts
started to develop between Tasya and Muz all because Muz has started to have affection for Aisyah,a sophisticated lady.Without Muz’sknowledge, Aishah was actually Azam’s sister.
It got worse when Tasya allowed herself to be sexually exploited by Acai and his gang in her attempt to get even with Muz.
In the end Amy fell forAzam’s sweet talk and was later raped by Azam’s client.
What will happen next? What all the glamour and attraction of city life have on them? When will all this hypocrisy and conflict end? Or will it end at all? Watch BOHSIA now and get your answer.
Memang best la cerita tu. Pada yang belum tengok lagi baik la korang gi tengok. Bosan2 xde wat apa tu sekali sekala labur duit bagi la sedikit sedekah kat SKOP PRODUCTIONS. Huhuuu...Lepas je abis cerita, perut pun da lapar. Aku pun da sakit2 tekak dok batuk2 dalam panggung tadi. Kitorang pun gi la makan kat RESTORAN BIDARA WARISAN BONDA, tempat yang selalu aku melepak mengenyangkan perut kitorang. Mata masing2 pun da mengantuk time melayan makanan masing2. Settle je makan (ALHAMDULILLAH) ada gak rezeki yang dapat kitorang jamah tok ari ni BERSYUKUR SANGAT2, kitorang pun balik la rumah....
Erm aku rasa takat ni je wat ari ni. Mata pun da mengantuk...Jumpa lagi...DAAAAAA
sedey seh...g tgk wayang tggalkan aku...wahahahahah nak nanges da nie..sampai ati korg!!!
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