Memandangkan emosi aku ni belum lagi stabil, walaupun luarannya aku seakan happy dan bahagia, aku cuba mencari kepuasan aku sendiri. Dimana aku berjinak2 menonton wayang walau sebenarnya aku bukan suka sangat tengok wayang. Aku cuba pupuk minat tengok wayang pulak. Mesti tak caya kan, aku sebenarnya bukan kaki wayang. Tapi itu la hakikatnya. Bercadang untuk tengok cerita lain, tapi cerita tu belum keluar, jadinya aku pilih untuk tengok cerita kartun hehehe.
Sebelum masuk, perkara wajib yang perlu dibuat. Snap, snap and snap...

Dalam panggung sebelum cerita bermula (",)
Dan Ceritanya adalah "CloUdY WitH A ChanCe Of MeaTbAlLs"

And the synopsis
In 2009, Columbia Pictures' and Sony Pictures Animation's "Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs" will be the most delicious event since macaroni met cheese. Inspired by the beloved children's book, the film focuses on a town where food falls from the sky like rain. Bill Hader will voice Flint Lockwood, a young inventor who dreams of creating something that will improve everyone's life. Anna Faris takes on the role of Sam Sparks, a weathergirl covering the phenomenon who hides her intelligence behind a perky exterior. James Caan plays Tim Lockwood, Flint's technophobic father. Andy Samberg plays Brent, the town bully who has plagued Flint since childhood. Bruce Campbell plays Mayor Shelbourne, who figures out that Flint's invention can put the town, and more importantly himself, on the map. Mr. T plays the by-the-rules town cop Earl Devereaux, and Tracy Morgan takes on the role of Earl's rule-breaking son, Cal.
The timeless tale has been adapted from Ron and Judi Barrett's book, which illustrates a world where giant pancakes and pasta fall from the sky as a scientist tries to solve world hunger. However, things go terribly wrong when excess amounts of food overload cities and towns.
Cerita abis dalm pukul 12.15am. Masih awal lagi, dan aku dan mereka memilih untuk pergi makan. Sebelum itu sempat gak snap2... Tengok je la reakasi2 aku dan mereka (",)

Reaksi selepas keluar dari panggung (",)

Tiba2 nampak benda ni, aku ngan baby jadi budak2 kejap, cute kan (",)
Tak sah kan kalau tak amik pic tiket (",)
Hehehe aku suka saat ini (",)
Jai, Aku, Yart, Baby and Ej.
P/S Terima kasih kerana masih setia di sisi (",)
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