♥ Aurora

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Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
"You know a dream is like a river, ever changing as it flows. And a dreamer's just a vessel that must follow where it goes. Trying to learn from what's behind you and never knowing what's in store makes each day a constant battle just to stay between the shores. And I will sail my vessel 'til the river runs dry. Like a bird upon the wind, these waters are my sky. I'll never reach my destination if I never try, so I will sail my vessel 'til the river runs dry. Too many times we stand aside and let the water slip away. To what we put off 'til tomorrow has now become today. So don't you sit upon the shore and say you're satisfied. Choose to chance the rapids and dare to dance the tides"

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Luka parah!

السلام عليکم
Sedih benar la tengok beg orang kasi ni. Have to mention, orang kasi, pasal she kind of person yang suka remind2 Yy, yang itu dia kasi. Btw, thanks for the gift. Been a year with me now. Yo, please baca dalam keadaan relax ya. Bukan ayat sarcastic! Heh

Oloh sedih!

Baik la, time to change. Actually, Yy tak perasaan akan kelukaan di beg ini. Ya si rabun bila tengok barang kalau tak pakai spec, memanag takkan nampak bukan. Ni pun kawan Yy dok tegur..

"Biasanya, kalau dah begini rupa, dah tak pakai da kan"

Wei2.. bukan sengaja yeah. Tak perasan. Mana ada masa nak belek2 bagai...


  1. owh cari publisiti murahan post kt sini eh??? maknanya, new bag gift plzzz everybodyy...!!! hahahha...jgn lupa beli 2, 1 for me..

    happy morning cik aye..can't wait nk holiday panjang smpi mgu depan ni..hiphip hooray

  2. tidak la mencari publisiti.. cuma sampai waktu nk tukar lalala. wei... org bg xpernah tolak noks..

    owh yeaaa selamat bcuti yeah


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♥ Aurora Follow3rs