السلام عليکم

''As u go to take ur leave, let me tell you that I am, have always been, and will always be so proud of you... You are simply the best sibling anyone can have... You never fail to spur me on, u never fail to be there for me dik... Tho it breaks my heart to see u go without saying goodbye, i know that u are at a better place, where u will be happy, and Norah Jones sings to you live... I Love You Shah Rezza, and i promise you to try my best and fulfill our promise... Till we meet again''
Sedihkan. I baca dari salah satu shout out kawan I. Adik beliau disahkan meninggal semalam setelah ditimpa kemalangan yang teruk akibat bermain long board. Adik beliau jatuh, dan mengalami pendarahan dalam otak. 3hari bertarung nyawa, dan Allah lebih menyayanginya.
Kepada keluarga mangsa, banyakkan bersabar. Allah sentiasa menguji. Al-Fatihah
Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device via Vodafone-Celcom Mobile.
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