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Welcome July~~ I was born to make you myself happy : InsyaAllah~
Biarpun waktu tayangan agak lewat's, itu bukan alasan untuk I. Walaupun terpaksa berbaris panjang untuk mendapatkan tiket, itu juga bukan alasan untuk mematahkan semangat I. Sekalipun hanya terdapat kerusi dibaris hadapan, tetap juga nak tengok. Itu la salah satunya treatment yang terbaik untuk diri I. Hermp!~ Siapa yang boleh berikan I treatment yang terbaik selain I sendiri yang memikirkannya. Tak begitu ~ Bla bla bla bebel aje!

The Autobots learn of a Cybertronian spacecraft hidden on the Moon, and race against the Decepticons to reach it and learn its secrets, which could turn the tide in the Transformers' final battle.
We were wowed by the first Transformers. Although it wasn't spectacular by any means, it was packed with enough action to keep interest in a somewhat OK storyline. Most would agree that "Revenge of the Fallen" was just as hated as Jar Jar Binks. "Dark of the Moon" in all its glorified trailers and promises from Michael Bay himself that this one is so much better couldn't fall short could it? Yep!Using what appears to be the same formula as the first Transformers seems to be a good plan since there was more success there however the one thing that need the most work would be the plot. Nice to have one in a blockbuster that you want people to like but somehow it wasn't addressed adequately. Sam (Shia Labeouf) tries to find a way to fit in with the autobots after the decepticon threat had been defeated. His new girlfriend Carly (Rosie Huntington-Whiteley) makes all the money and he feels useless. It isn't until he comes across some important secret information on his first day on the job from Jerry (Ken Jeong) that Sam finds himself smack in the middle of the Autobot Decepticon conflict once again.
Although Sam gets a girlfriend upgrade thanks to Megan Fox and the franchise parting ways, there doesn't seem to be any chemistry between the two. It's hard to even care about Carly except the fact that she's Sam's girlfriend. The only real stand out as far as humans is Patrick Dempsey as Carly's boss and eventually revealed as a vital part of the Decepticon's success. Voicing Sentinal Prime is Leonard Nimoy who even manages to sneak in a famous Star Trek phrase of his just in case you don't recognize the voice.
Other than that, no one really stands out and there isn't much to focus on besides some very good destructive action. As a huge fan of Transformers I couldn't help but ask where is Megatron? And why is he not in this much more often? The truly disappointing thing about Tranformers: Dark of the Moon is that knowing the travesty committed in Revenge of the Fallen, they still couldn't get it right.

Keterujaan melanda diri, bila sebelum ni, I digoda dengan trailer Transformer yang ditayangkan sebelum movie yang I tonton bermula. Melonjak2 gedik I nak tengok. U olls nak tahu I bukannya kaki movie oke. Sejak hidup bersendiri ni, masa I banyak dihabiskan dengan movie. Boleh dikatakan seminggu dua kali I pergi tengok movie. Tak kisah la cerita tu bagus ke tak, I redah aje. Janji itu adalah treatment yang terbaik untuk diri I buat masa ni. Hehehe!~
Mula la simpan angan2 nak kumpul koleksi Transformer pulak! Mula la nak merepek~ Bye!
*Gambar pencarian Google

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